Picture courtesy Facebook-the Hurricane
While the powdery strand lining the west coast and the watery expanse surrounding PAG on three side are certainly the stars of our beloved locale, there are other gems in her crown that are as historical as they are aesthetically pleasing. It is this mix of laid back back beach vibe intermingling with the architectural ambiance of yesteryear that makes our peninsula so much fun to wander, be it on two wheels or foot, or just a slow Sunday drive. Stroll in front of some of these buildings and you can practically see the specters of eras long past and feel their influence; you know that too must have felt that deep connection to this bit of paradise we are so lucky to know as home. Even if you never set foot inside, show a local a picture of you near one of these buildings and they may have story of their own to share. While you are out enjoying the amazing weather that makes our northern kin so envious, soak up the history as well as the sun-in Pass-a-Grille that's part of the fun.
Gulf Beaches Historical Museum-115 10th Ave

Picture courtesy Genevive Maples
This unassuming little building started as the first church in the area almost 100 years ago, it is now a fabulous museum with free admission (donations happily accepted). While the congregation outgrew these environs and moved to a new building on 16th ave, this modest little building was slated for demolition until a preservationist and socialite saw it's worth and saved it, leaving it to Pinellas County upon her death. It evolved into the quaint archive it is today, somewhere you can see the history of our area on the inside as well out.
The Don Cesar-3400 Gulf Blvd

Picture courtesy Genevive Maples
This stunning, famous building is a blend of Moorish and Mediterranean styles and is known far and wide as the 'Pink Castle' or 'Pink Lady'. With it's beginnings as playground for the elite and rich during the jazz age, it has been through different guises throughout the years (a place of convalescence during WWII) but has always remained one of the most obvious of local landmarks.
The Hurricane-809 Gulf Way

Picture courtesy of Lisa Abraham
Once a bathhouse, then a hotel, this interesting building has evolved over time but remained a significant feature to our landscape. It's beautiful architecture features pointed gables and a third floor that offers 360 degree view allowing for some of the best sunset views in the area.