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Tour of homes- Pass a Grille Womans Club

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For over 17 yeasr Womans Club on Pass-a-Grill has been giving an annual tour of Homes.Typically in Febuary or March of each year hundreds decend on Pass a Grill to walk though a number of the homes in PAG that are open to visitors. This event is quite an occasion to enjoy the uniqueness of these finely crafted and many times orignal homesteads from the first PAG residents! This year the Tour happens on 2/28/2015 and you can arrange to get your tickets at

Where: Meet at the Pass-a-Grille Woman’s Club (2201 Pass a Grille Way, St. Pete Beach) to start your tour throughout Pass-a-Grille What: Join us for a day walking around historic Pass-A-Grille. Learn our history. Tour our delightful Pass-a-Grille homes. Discover what makes Pass-A-Grille a community.

Parking will be available at the following locations:

North Parking Lot- Grass lot adjacent to the Don Cesar / Sun Tan Art Center- Cabrillo Avenue

South Lot- Pass a Grille Community Church lot at 16th Avenue

Buy your tickets online now at

Belgian Waffles

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