The Museum of the American Arts and Crafts Movement (MAACM) is the ONLY museum in the world dedicated exclusively to the American Arts and Crafts movement.

Featuring stunning architecture, incredible works of art, and an ideal location in the downtown waterfront arts district.
Emerging at the end of the Victorian era in England, the Arts and Crafts movement was fueled by anxieties about the quality of life in the industrial era and the rise of mass-produced goods. Arts and Crafts designers sought to reform both decorative design and daily life, creating objects that were beautiful and functional. In America, the Arts and Crafts movement spread across the country from approximately 1890-1930. The tenets of the movement – simplicity in design, honesty in materials, hand craftsmanship, and depicting the natural world – are still widely valued today.
The most important artists and enterprises of the American Arts and Crafts movement are represented at MAACM. Visit us to see fine examples of Gustav Stickley, Charles Rohlfs, Frank Lloyd Wright, the Roycrofters, William Grueby, Newcomb Pottery, Margaret Patterson, Greene and Greene, Louis Sullivan, and many other gifted craftsmen and women. Immerse yourself completely in the movement with furniture, pottery, tiles, lighting, textiles, photography, fine arts, woodblocks, metalwork, period room installations, and more.
Fantastic drawings, paintings, stained glass, furniture, tiles and so much more. Explore, view and see the artisans, craftsmen, and mediums used during this time in American Arts history! This is a must see museum. Purchase tickets ahead of time

The Gift Shop and the Café are a MUST fantastic Drinks and snacks and you don't even have to enter museum for either its a quick trip and must see!
